General information
Delivery fees are estimated based on the distance to be traveled, traffic density and the category of equipment and later on updated based on actual. To learn more about delivery fees, simply create an account and during the online cart checkout steps, an estimation of delivery fees will be displayed. Alternatively, if you need additional information you can contact us at
Weekend deliveries are considered as special request but when warranted, yes we do. If you have any special requirements like weekend delivery or otherwise, please email us at: and we will be happy to consider your request and get back to you by email.
You can reach us primarily by using the Live Chat feature on our web site, by email at or by phone at +1 877-776-5698. It would be our pleasure to help you.
It is possible to cancel or modify your order to add or remove any item. Please let us know 24 hours in advance. Accordingly, the deposit amount may need to be adjusted.
You must be at least 18 years old, have valid photo ID (Canadian drivers license) and a credit card or a corporate agreement in place with us for a deposit at the time of the reservation.
We are proud to offer a convenient online booking system to rent heavy equipment. Simply browse our online rental section, assess equipment availability by selecting your rental dates, and finally add to cart. To so, all you need is a verified portal account which is a simple one time process when you fill a simple form and we approve your account shortly after.
Please visit the signup page to create your account.
Usage limited to 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week, or 160 hours per month. Additional charges will be added for exceeding the designated usage hours, the details of which can be found in the rental agreement which you will receive every time you rent equipment.
The deposit amount depends on duration and the value of the equipment rented or the clauses of the corporate agreement we may have in place with your company. Based on the specifics of the above, deposit may be asked at checkout and accordingly would be required to finalize a reservation.
As business owners we have rented equipment before and we can assure you that we are against additional fees. This is why we go out of our ways to avoid them as much as possible. For example, we document the do's and don'ts of our equipment usage in our electronic communications and when warranted on the equipment themselves. We also remind you by email of your responsibilities towards the proper equipment usage, tank refill, maintenance requirements and more. All of which in a hope to prevent any additional fees for you. While some seems to aim to make profit with these fees, we attempt by every means possible to avoid them in order to ensure you have the best experience possible and to retain the privilege of having you as a client. Only when a situation leaves us with no other choice would we consider to charge any additional fees.